Corporate Wellbeing focuses primarily on individual development and its successful integration in the team from the “science of achievement” perspective with objectives of: health, positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, accomplishment.
Holistic Wellbeing, however, focuses primarily on self-growth and its successful integration in the macrocosm from the “art of fulfillment” perspective with objectives of: healthy mind, healthy body, healthy spirit.
Corporate Wellbeing is a part of Holistic Wellbeing and vice versa just first is meant for self-growth and team development whereas the other is for self-growth and spiritual development.
Physical health pertains to cardiovascular ability, strength and flexibility. Factors of physical health include exercise, diet and monitoring stress responses within the body. This is a foundational aspect of wellness as physical exercise is associated with mood and weight management, blood sugar regulation, improving and maintaining cognitive ability, sleep, sexual health, longevity in addition to strengthening muscles and bones and preventing heart disease.
Some helpful tips in adding more exercise to your daily routine include:
Emotional/psychological health generally refers to an individual’s development of adaptive self concept and beliefs about life. This often refers to a sense of autonomy, good self-esteem, and purpose. Individuals who are psychologically and emotionally healthy also possess an ability to adaptively cope with stress and adversity.
The importance of perception applies to holistic wellbeing because when we shift our perception, we can change our physiology and liberate our power to send new signals to the system to heal. WHR views perception as beyond thoughts and feelings, as it is the lens in which we can bring to and explore all of the parts that make up our experiences. Perception is 24/7 medicine! Remembering who, what and where you are are three fundamental principles to the healing process that can simultaneously reset and realign you in an instant”.
It is important to note that the construct of happiness is subjective, and therefore, there is no universal recipe for its achievement. This being said, those who are psychologically and emotionally healthy are generally happy, and those who are happy live longer.
Intellectual/cognitive health is the idea that the pursuit of intellectual stimulation can contribute to personal and societal improvement. Intellectual or cognitive deficits can pose a barrier to the achievement of holistic wellness and ultimate life balance. These deficits impact one’s ability to learn which impedes the comprehension of wellness concepts and subsequently the motivation and ability for implementation.
Realization of one’s personal potential is dependent upon comprehension of complex concepts and the creation of purpose. Intellectual/cognitive health also relates to education.
Financial and occupational health are defined as the level of security and control that one feels over their earning potential, savings, financial goals, ability to find employment, employment satisfaction, and job security. While it is well known that money doesn’t equal happiness, lack of financial and occupational health is linked to increased stress and adversity which is associated with multiple forms of illness.
Occupational wellness also directly refers to an individual’s satisfaction with their work position. This relates to an individual’s unique skills, societal contributions, and the assessment of reward and meaningfulness within their vocation.
Another foundational factor is the concept of work-life balance. Financial health is complex in that unemployment or lack of financial security is initially correlated with a lack of well-being. However, this seems to plateau at some point where further financial achievement no longer has a positive relationship with subjective well-being.
Social health focuses on the connection and support that one feels with their peers, family, and community.
Spiritual health, however, signifies the development of purpose and meaning of life. Spirituality has historically been associated with religion, and, while religion is almost always spiritual, spirituality is not always religious. Spirituality can be viewed as an individual’s awareness of their position in relation to nature, society, the universe, and the unknown.
This awareness directly influences an individual’s creation of personal beliefs, values, traditions, and philosophical outlooks. Another crucial factor to spiritual health is the sense of connectedness that spirituality offers; individuals who reportedly feel more connected are generally happier and healthier. Feeling connected to others can offer support during times of adversity and illness.
Since ancient times the Maya people have kept knowledge about the guidelines of the stream of time. Now, on the threshold of eras, the Calendar knowledge is open for all mankind. Mayans are telling that the Calendar, which explains the regularities of the cosmic evolution, was left to them by the gods. Scientists suppose that the secret knowledge might possibly be the heritage from the civilization of Atlantis. The Maya tales and Slavic-Aryan Vedas depict events that date 40 000 and more years back.
The sacred Calendar of the Sun or Tzolkin is the most important of all. The word “Tzol-kin” literally translates as “the number of days”. A human as a biological being is closely tied to the rhythm of Tzolkin (a baby develops in the mother’s womb in 260 days). 260-day intervals mark the same circles of the fine information in the field of a man’s consciousness as growth rings on a tree trunk. In fact, we become for one time unit more grown-up when our day of birth is repeated in Tzolkin.
There are two forces in the world:
Nagual – Divine Intention, Root of the World, Eternal Existence. This power in itself will never be precisely defined, explained or otherwise framed. IT JUST IS AND EXISTS.
Tonal or Tone – A series of numbers, the force that makes up all structures and patterns. “The world is made up of numbers” – this definition is the cause and effect of the Tonal at the same time.
And most importantly, Tonal is the only instrument that structures and systematizes the Nagual, the only rhythm through which the Nagual, or Divine Intention, manifests and becomes understood.
Since the reality that we humans understand by this word is based on Tonal, all the rest of the calendars are also based on its structures (Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, and other calendar egregores/thoughtforms). The Toltec Calendar is the only one that combines these two forces and explains how the Nagual becomes a Tonal. The Tonal numbers (keys 1-13) systematizes the Nagual (20 energies) and shapes them in a way that we can understand them, creating waves of time – the matrix of our life flow.
Hence, the Toltec Calendar combines the UNKNOWN with the one that SHAPES AND SYSTEMAZES, Eternity with Time, Existence with Action. What is known to our spirit forever becomes intelligible to the mind and becomes a real tool for us to feel and express our selves in our reality – materially and spiritually; in the action and cooperation; in the creation of our values; in our understanding and leaving what we know behind.